Kent Camera Courses

Are you in one of the following scenarios? Kent Camera courses can help.
I Want to be able to take better photos
I’m Stuck in auto?
My Camera manual is to confusing you?
I want to Gain knowledge and hone my photography skills
I’m Looking at going professional or semi-professional
I want to Express myself in my photos
I want to feel a Sense of Achievement
I’m looking at earning an income
If the answer is yes to anyone of these, then I have the Camera courses for you.
With over 16 years professional experience and a total of 35 years taking photos, I provide a practical hands on one2one Kent camera courses designed around you, and your requirements in learning photography.
From beginner courses to using flash, shooting weddings, studio portraits, Landscape to drone flight training, I cover it all.
Courses and how they work?
Courses are designed for your needs and with that in mind are made up of duration time periods as follows:
3hr – 4hr- 6hr for basic one2one course’s 6hrs can be spread over two dates to help absorb the wealth of information.
There are also course combo deals, which is made up of several courses hand-picked by you and then placed into a discounted bundle and time period to suit you.
Let’s have a look at an example:
You’re a beginner so an one2one beginner course is what we start with, however you would like to take photos of people or portraits, so you may choose the following:
Beginner course 4hr
Location portrait course 2hr
this can then be bundled together and discounted from the standard single course price so you will always save in this way and the best part is learning in your own time frame, as there are NO classrooms, NO white boards with complex schematics, just good practical in hand camera learning.
The bundles can continue as follows example
Beginner course 4hr
Location portrait course 2hr
Flash photography 2hr
Wedding masterclass 9hr
For more information on Camera course bundles, tap the link below for more.
Camera courses bundles tap here
For all stand-alone single courses
Some general questions that you may like to ask?
What will I learn during the beginner course.
Beginner courses are designed around the following
Shutter speed, Aperture, & ISO the very building blocks of photography, with this we will also go through the following functions:
Camera modes (manual)
Camera care
Are just a few things covered in the beginner courses.
Beginner courses and durations.
I have set three basic durational courses to suit everyone, being the 3hr-4hr & 6hr, taking into consideration everyone is at their own different level with their photography, so the duration is there to help with everyone in case they need some longer time to ingest the information being provided.
Courses are set up with an easy to following step-by-step guideline, and all include a QnA session throughout.
Equipment required
Naturally with any course to bring along your own camera is essential however I can provide a camera for courses, if anyone requires advice and recommendations for camera’s then feel free to let me know. A basic camera and lens is all that is needed for a beginner course, if you have a telephoto than this is even better, Other course like flash or long exposure courses require some more equipment but will be discussed prior to your camera course.
Location of courses
Courses are set in public parks, for convenience for all, with several parks I use around the Kent area, there is a different subject for all. Details of course location nearest to you will be discussed at the time of booking.
What if it rains
Sadly the UK weather is a little more unpredictable than ever at these times, so once a date time and location has been established, I normally keep an eye on the weather and if I feel that the weather has turned for the worst I will be in contact with you to find an alternative time date.
Can I reschedule last minute
Of course as long as you contact me before your course, it’s no problem at all.
Do you provide Kent camera courses for children
Yes I do, I provide Junior Kent camera courses
Link below for all courses, including Junior camera courses
Perfect idea for those School term holidays or even helping with those exams, give your child / teen a boost for good qualifications in photography.
Do you provide photohshop training.
Yes i do it’s very popular I provide several courses from a single sitting to several weeks of training to bring you up to speed with all the editing process you require.
link below for photoshop training.
Photoshop courses and bundles
If you have any further question or enquires feel free to contact me direct on the below link or you can telephone me or use the online chat feature at the bottom right of this screen, and lets talk about your next Kent camera course.